
Valentina Barcucci

Chuyên gia Kinh tế Lao động, Tổ chức Lao động Thế giới tại Việt Nam

​Valentina Barcucci is Labour Economist at the ILO Country Office for Viet Nam. Her areas of expertise include, among others, labour market analysis, employment policy development, skills and employability promotion, and youth employment. She has led regional programmes on the transition from school to work in Asia and the Pacific and in Sub-Saharan Africa, and assisted ILO member states on evidence-based policy-making in South-East Asia, Eastern Europe and the Arab States. Valentina holds an MSc on business and economics from the University of Genoa (Italy) as well as an MSc in development from the London School of Economics, and later pursued leadership education at Harvard Extension School. She started her career in business strategy consulting in the early 2000s, before joining the ILO in 2008. She has previously served at ILO Headquarters, as well as at the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, and in the South Pacific.

Valentina Barcucci