Head of Sales

Địa điểm Việt Nam
Ngành nghề Giao thông vận tải & hậu cần
Category Sales
Mã số 14766
Loại công việc Cố định
Lương 80.000.000-120.000.000
Email liên hệ duyen.nguyenthi@manpower.com.vn
Ngày đăng Tháng mười 16, 2023
  • Develop and execute strategic plans to achieve sales targets.
  • Create and communicate sales goals and ensure C-level executives are informed on the progress of those goals.
  • Build and maintain long-lasting, strong relationships with customers while partnering with them to better understand their business objectives and needs.
  • Understand industry-specific trends and landscapes.
  • Effectively communicate value propositions through presentations and proposals.
  • Report on forces that shift strategic directions of accounts and tactical budgets.