Customer Insight Manager

Địa điểm Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Ngành nghề Dịch vụ tài chính - Ngân hàng, Bảo hiểm
Category Customer Service, Operations
Loại công việc Cố định
Lương Negotiation
Email liên hệ
Điện thoại liên hệ 0909589498
Ngày đăng Tháng năm 16, 2023
​I. Job Responsibilities:

Research projects (inhouse or outsource)

• Understand the business needs of requesters thoroughly to propose the relevant research scope and approach or evaluate the proposal from vendors to make sure the research can address properly business needs

• For annual projects (Brand Health Tracker, Benchmarking survey, Voice of Agency …), work closely and effectively wit related stakeholders (i.e Product, Branding, Agency team etc) to update the local business's needs and provide useful inputs to the questionnaire crafted by outsourced research vendors

• Work independently to lead and implement internal research projects/ data analytics projects or outsourced research projects, including:

➢ Collecting internal data from different source for analyzing, questionnaire/ DG design, conduct IDI/DG, data analyzing, report writing and provide actionable recommendations for business questions that need sound decision making.

➢ Evaluate adjust the proposals made by research agencies so that the final one is produced up to the highest work in terms of timing, budget and quality of deliverables. Manage the quality and delivering time of research agency. Provide useful and insightful inputs to the work of agencies across the key milestones of project execution (discussion guide development or questionnaire design, topline, reporting)

Drive insights to actions

• Organize actionable workshop after obtaining research findings/ data findings so that the information and be shared and bring to actions by different teams

• Initiate actions to improve customer experience and lead end to end projects to deliver the initiatives improving customer experience across touchpoints.

• Join cross-function projects to represent voice of customers.

II. Job Requirements:


• University/ College Degree with marketing/ business major


• At least 5 years’ experience in market research (2 years' working experience for a market research agency is preferable) and minimum 1 year of working as a CI/ market research manager.

Job capabilities & behaviors requirements:

• Execution excellence: take full ownership to resolve difficulties, challenges and deliver the project objectives efficiently with highest standard of quality

• Working together: work well with different types of people including external research vendors and internal stakeholders; proactively contribute thoughts, ideas in meetings, cross-functional projects

• Strategic thinking: think a big picture and use good judgment to find HOWs to approach/ implement one issue/ challenge thoroughly and efficiently

• Great data analytic skill (i.e either qualitative or quantitative data points)

• Be a great communicator, both spoken and written English communication