Sales Manager

Địa điểm Hà Nội
Ngành nghề Chăm sóc sức khỏe
Category Sales
Mã số 15074
Loại công việc Cố định
Lương 40.000.000-60.000.000
Email liên hệ
Ngày đăng Tháng mười một 03, 2023
Who you are
 You want to participate in global business development.
 You are interested in interdisciplinary activities.
 You are a proactive learner who can lead a project.
 You are willing to achieve goals together with your team.
 You prefer transparent work communications.
 You are interested in culture and lifestyle.
 You have a clear brand preference
Key Responsibilities
 You will sell our products and meet with clients
 You will communicate with clients
 You will enroll our product for sale
 You will research sales regulation
 You will plan the strategy for sales
 You have 1+ years of sales experience in Biotechnology, Bioscience, Health Services.
 You have to process the enrollment of our product for the market
 You have to follow the regulations for selling
 You should be able to communicate in English with overseas branches and partners